Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bittersweet Goodbyes

 Today was a very bittersweet day.  I had to say goodbye to many of the great people that I have met here.  This is a picture of me and Wendy who was the one that arranged everything for me from the home-stay to the organizations that I was able to work with for the Children's Eternal Rainforest.  The entire time I was leaving she kept reminding me to come and visit and that my work there will never be forgotten.  
 This was the last sunset that I will see from here in Monteverde.
 Today was Tarcisio's birthday (the dad) and so all of the kids pitched in to make the cake.  By the time it was all said and done no one knew what kind of cake it was, it had raisins, blue blotches of food coloring, as well as many other random things thrown into it.  Everyone ate some of it though!  Below you can see a picture of the entire family (minus the mom who is out of town).  Below that you can see a picture of all of us staying here.  This family has been amazing and so full of love and support even though I am someone they only met a month and a half ago.  They said if I ever come back to just let them know and I would have a room for anytime that I return to Monteverde.  Tarcisio also hand made me a beautiful leaf charm for my necklace for helping out in their community and as a token of joining the family.  I will never forget this beautiful family and look forward to hearing about the future of all the children.  It sounds like Sury is going to be attending Virginia Commonwealth this fall so perhaps I can get her to visit for the holidays!

I will be leaving in the morning and going back to La Fortuna for the evening and will hopefully enjoy a wonderful evening in the hot springs before I white water raft on Thursday.  Will try to have another blog post up by Friday or so.  Only 8 days until I'm home, it is so bittersweet!

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