Sunday, July 15, 2012

1st Quaker Meeting

This morning I had the opportunity to go with two of the other students staying at my house to the Quaker Meeting.  We had a wonderful walk up to the Quaker School and was able to get there about 20 minutes early so were able to participate in singing.  The Quaker's do it different than many churches.  There isn't anyone in charge or even a minister or preacher but if someone wants to sing a song you just blurt out the song number that you want to sing and people start singing it.  The songs last for about a half hour until the "regular service" begins.  This meeting is a lot different than normal churches.  Everyone just sits there in silence for an hour unless someone feels the need to stand up and share with the group.  This week no one felt that urge so we just sat there for an hour reflecting on everything.  It was a good experience and took me out of my normal comfort zone and opened my eyes to a religion I didn't know anything about until this trip.  Although I don't agree with them on everything we have a lot to learn from one another and I'm glad I went. 

Tomorrow I will be working with Willow and Lorenzo again at another native garden.  I only have about 2 and a half more weeks here in Monteverde so my goal this week is to try and get out and see some of the sites like the bat house, the butterfly garden, and all of the other cool stuff around here!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got the chance to experience another religion! Silence is difficult for all of us in our society. It is uncomfortable and challenging but wonderful once we 'unplug'from life and hear what our soul is yelling at us. It was good to spend some time with Thad and then with you last night. I love ya lots and pray you have a wonderful week and get to experience all you desire!! Mom
