Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Little Piece of Heaven

Yesterday morning I met with a gentleman named Bob Law who has lived in Monteverde since the 60's and has played a major role in conservation efforts in Monteverde.  I was interviewing him for the project I am working on for the Monteverde Conservation League.  He lives in a beautiful home facing the rain forest and it seems like a very peaceful place to live. 

On my way back to the house I stopped at the gallery my family owns and got to watch the dad as he was making earrings.  Sury (the oldest daughter) was also there working on a painting but was getting ready to take a break.  She asked if I would like to go with her to her favorite place in Monteverde and I said of course, so off we went.  We walked about 25 minutes starting out on the road but going through cattle pasture and the forest.  We ended up in a beautiful clearing in the middle of the forest.  Evidently when the Quakers found this natural clearing they immediately protected it because they thought it was so beautiful.  Now a lot of the locals come here when they want someplace quiet and beautiful to go to, and Sury goes here so she can write postcards to her friends in the states.  This meadow reminds me of something out of a movie because it was so beautiful because it felt like we were someplace where time stood still.  The only sounds we heard we sounds of the animals and insects of the rain forest and it was slightly misting which gave it a very eerie feeling.  Below you will see pictures of the beautiful meadow (which don't do it justice). 

Sury had also gone to the farmer's market earlier in the day and picked up some rambutan, which is now my new favorite fruit (seen below).  At first I didn't want to try it because it was very slimy and almost looked like an eyeball, but I am glad I did.  It has a very sweet flavor to it and by the time we left we had eaten them all!  I haven't ever seen them in the states but now I will have to try and find them because they are so good. 

Last night a group of us went to the Quaker meeting house for their Saturday night square dancing.  We had such a good time and I don't really remember the last time I went square dancing but it was a lot of fun and you can see a picture of that below. 

Today (Sunday) I am going to start working on writing up for this big project that I am working on as well as catch up on some other things.  I have been in Costa Rica for 8 weeks now and only have 31 days left in this beautiful country.

1 comment:

  1. Looks and sounds as though you have found a place to escape for some R&R. Looks beautiful! Wish I could be there with you. Keep enjoying yourself and taking all those fabulous photos. Love ya Mom
