Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It was Raining Fruit!

Today I went back to the Children's Eternal Rainforest and was able to see the white faced capuchin monkeys again!  I was able to get very up close to them trying to get pictures and then before I knew what was happening they started throwing fruit at me.  I guess they didn't like their pictures taken or something!  Also while walking through the woods the bellbirds were very active and they sound like a squeaky door which got annoying after awhile. :-)
This is a picture of a resurrection fern that is growing on top of a rock.  Depending on the time of year it dies back and then it "comes back to life" when the environmental conditions are optimal.
This is me standing at one of the observation decks along the trail looking into the vast rain forest. 
This is another view from the trail looking at the beautiful valley below.
Yet another beautiful butterfly, and they pose so nicely!
Here is another one of the beautiful flowers that holds water and attracts birds to it, but what I thought was so interesting was the berry like objects inside of it.
It is hard to see but a little bit left and up from the center of the picture is a black bird with a red head and a blue back.  This bird is called a manakin bird and they were amazing to watch.  I was able to see two males together and they were practicing their courtship dance to impress the ladies with.  It was almost something out of Discovery Earth or something with the vivid colors and unique dances.
This is a strangler fig that had fallen down and risen up and fallen down again due to the major wind in Monteverde but surprisingly it is still alive!
This is a Limoncillo tree that has some very unique triangle thorns going up the trunk to help protect it from harm.

Below is just three pictures that I took of some information that I received today telling about the history of the Monteverde Conservation League as well as why rain forest are so important to us.

This is a picture of a agouti which is a large rodent.  I saw these throughout my walk today on the trail but it wasn't until I got back out to the main road where I was actually able to get a good picture of one.
Here is another bird that I saw today on my walk home, although I have no idea what it is the colors were very beautiful and vivid.

I hope that everyone had a good and safe 4th of July!

1 comment:

  1. I did & saw some awesome fireworks against the full moon!!! In my 50+ years can't say that I remember a full moon and fireworks. It looks like you had another wonderful day. I feel almost as though I am there, just miss your hugs! Have a wonderful day today and we'll talk later tonight. Mom
