Thursday, July 12, 2012

Working with ProNativas

The last two days I have been working with Willow and Lorenzo at some of our native gardens.  Below you will see pictures of these experiences.
On our way up the hill yesterday morning we found this baby armadillo who was scavenging around trying to find some grubs to eat.  He had no idea we were even there so we were able to get up close to him to take a picture.
Can you see me? The garden that we were working at had a beautiful waterfall display and a HUGE toad to go with it.
Here is an insect that jumped on me during my walk yesterday.  I have no idea what it is so I will have to add this picture to the list to ask Ashley when I get home, who is the insect expert!
This was my breakfast this morning consisting of traditional rice and beans as well as homemade tortillas with fresh strawberry jam on them.  You can also see some wonderful homemade hot chocolate!
This morning we worked in the greenhouse that ProNativas works in.  Here you can see where I have potted some of the clippings that we collected yesterday to add to our plant collection.  We take clipping from other gardens and then let them grown in the greenhouse for awhile and then can transplant them into new gardens.  This helps cut down on the cost of the plants because we just cut or dig up extras and then have new plants to plant.
Here is another cool insect I found today climbing on a tree in the greenhouse.
Here is Lorenzo watering some of the plants that I planted!  This afternoon I also went to Monteverde Cheese Factory which you can see in the next blog.

1 comment:

  1. I love the baby armadillo and Ashely will love the bugs-hope you're getting lots of pictures for her. So tell us about Lorenzo.Love the work you are doing to help the rain forest and provide health for all of us one tree at a time! Mom
