Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Snake House!

 This morning I walked back into Santa Elena and went to the Serpentario de Monteverde.  I had tried going here yesterday but it was closed due to the holiday so I decided to go back today.  Here they have over 40 species of snakes, lizards, frogs, toads, and turtles on display for the public to see. 
 This is a yellow eyelash palm pit-viper.  It is called this because it sits on the edge of branches (usually at eye level) and will strike its prey that way.
 This is also a pit viper but a a Central American jumping pit viper that blends in perfectly with his surroundings!
 Can you see me?
 The snake Costa Rica is known for and sadly I have seen in the wild.  The Fer-de-Lance!
 Here is a boa constrictor that evidently is found in Costa Rica but luckily I have not encountered.
 This is a rainbow boa that has a nice name but is still pretty scary.  
 This is a small green iguana.  I have seen many iguanas especially on the coast but they are much larger than this one.
 This is the Jesus Christ lizard, this is the lizard that I have seen out in the wild that can run across the top of the water.
Here was their small turtle pond and all the turtles were just enjoying all the sunshine.  This place was a great place to visit and probably good that it was during the last part of my trip because many of those snakes are common, so I am kinda glad I didn't know about them.  This afternoon I am working on my big project again as it is due next week.  Glad to hear that Columbia has been getting some rain, I know you all need it.  Will be home in less than 2 weeks now!

1 comment:

  1. OK my least favorite pictures but glad for you they were behind glass and not on your path. I would love to see the lizard that runs across water. Cool!!
