Saturday, July 14, 2012

Farmers' Market in Monteverde

This morning I had the opportunity to go with my family to the local Farmers' Market in Monteverde.  It is located inside an old gym which is really nice for when it is raining outside.  There were not as many vendors there as I was anticipating but they all had very good local produce. 

Here is a picture of one of the stands and Sury and her mom buying some produce.  Much of the produce is the same as the states but also a lot of it is different.
Here is another stand where we stocked up on plantains which we have in some form of another every morning for breakfast.
Here my family is stocking up on rambutan, my new favorite fruit!
By the end of the day we ended up with all of these bags full of fresh produce.  This is where the family buys almost all of the food in the house.  We luckily were able to get a taxi back home instead of having to walk 45 minutes back up to their house.  On the way down it was easy but we had a watermelon, and 6 bags full of heavy produce so I'm glad we were able to find a taxi.

This evening we are getting ready for dinner and then will be heading back to the meeting house to do some country dancing tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Looks much cooler temperature wish than our Farmer's Market. Lots of food to be packing home. Glad you found a taxi. Please take more photos of your 'family' for us. Mom
