Monday, July 23, 2012

Saying Goodbye to the Cloud Forest Reserve

Today I was able to travel back up to the Monteverde Cloud Forest.  This will be my last time up there before I leave next week since there are so many other cool places I will be seeing before I leave.  Last time I was here I stood at this location but it was clear and you could see all the way to the Gulf of Nicoya.  Today though the cloud forest earned it name because you couldn't see very far at all but it was still worth the long walk up to the divide.  
 This is a view from along the trail before all of the clouds moved it.  It was a beautiful day for hiking because it was cloudy and cool which is what I expect for the cloud forest.  The view though was still spectacular.
 Here is a picture that I took along the trail looking into the woods.  I am really going to miss this place with all of the beautiful trees and animals!
 Here was the view from the La ventana on top of the Continental divide.  
 Here is just another picture that I took of the cloud forest.
 I went back to the hummingbird garden right next to the reserve and was able to take some amazing pictures of more hummingbirds.

This was my favorite picture that I took today which I took hiking up the hill.  Today I was able to meet my old guide Bernal and was able to sit down to coffee with him and I was able to get a lot of my questions answered.  I am also going to be going on a night hike with him into the cloud forest (at a different location) and I am really looking forward to that.  Tomorrow I will be working with ProNativas again at Monteverde Centro.

1 comment:

  1. I cnn not even imagine how sad it must feel to say goodbye to a place that has been your home for the summer. I'm just so thankful you took this opportunity & made the absolute best of every experience possible. You are so brave!! I have always been proud & you just keep achieving more each day!!Can't wait to see you & give ya a huge hug!! 22 years ago I was laboring to bring you into my life, it doesn't seen possible! By the way it rained the day you were born &d was a Wed as well-my 'fair child'. Maybe that's why you feel the connection there.}: LOL Mom
