Friday, August 3, 2012

La Fortuna- Baldi Hot Springs

Wednesday morning I took a bus boat bus back down to La Fortuna.  It was very hard to say goodbye to my family in Monteverde but I know that someday I may be able to see them again.  This is a picture of me on the boat looking back at some of the mountains.  
 This is a picture of Arenal Volcano, this was about the clearest that I saw it the entire day.
 After getting checked into my hostel and book my tours for the rest of the week I treated myself to Baldi Hot Springs.  
 Here they had about 25 different pools that you could swim in and below you can see some pictures of those.  Here I met a lot of really great people and one lady was actually from St. Louis MO and had brought her granddaughter here for her 16th birthday.  All of the pools were wonderful, some of them were way to hot for me to get into but honestly my favorite pool was the cool/ cold pools since it was warm outside going from the hot to the cold pools felt so good.

 Here you can see the 3 different water-slides.  I went down the two on each side but not the one in the middle.  The one on the farthest right was crazy fast and you flew across the water when you got done with it before you hit the water.  One time down that one was more than enough for me!
 As part of the ticket that I bought I had a buffet dinner included.  Here was my first course consisting of lots of great fruit and vegetables.  Over the next week I am going to be eating as much fruit as I possibly can because it is so fresh and wonderful here!
 This was my main course consisting of a little bit of pasta, potatoes, plantains, and a little bit of fish.  After that I had my turn at the dessert bar (and I forgot to take a picture of that plate).  There they had a chocolate  fountain so I got a huge plate of strawberries and fresh pineapple and smothered it all in chocolate.  After I was done at the Springs I made my way back into La Fortuna back to my hostel which you can see in the picture below.

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