Thursday, July 19, 2012

ProNativas Volunteer Group Day 1

Today we had the privileged of hosting a group from the United States that is helping us out for two days.  Today we worked at Bajo del Tigre in and around the greenhouse and below you can see a couple of pictures of that. Since there was such a large group we split them up into 3 teams.  One team worked in the greenhouse learning how we fill and plant the bags as well as helped water and prune the plants in the greenhouse.  The second team worked in the new garden that ProNativas is building and then helped plant some plants as well as lay down some leaf litter.  The third team (my team) worked in an older garden around Bajo del Tigre welcome center.  We worked on cutting down a dead tree as well as dug up some "baby" plants that we then transplanted into the greenhouse.  We also pruned along the Children's Trail.  Tomorrow we will be working with the same group again but we will be heading back up to the Cloud Forest School where we will be working in the greenhouse for half the time and then doing tree planting the second half.

1 comment:

  1. It's so wonderful to see American youth coming to Costa Rico to learn more about the rain forest and more importantly to volunteer to help out with manual labor to improve the environment!!What a life changing experience & you are making that happen! THANK YOU!! I love to hear of your adventures and all the beautiful pics. Mom
