Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Temporary Addition to the Family

 Last night I came down the stairs and found a very cute kitten pouncing around the living room.  The kids said the kitten started following them on their way home from practice yesterday and it followed them into the house.  The kids went back to try and look for its mom but didn't have any luck.  The kitten was hanging around the dinner table last night while we were eating and jumped up in my lap.  He didn't try to get on the table but rather was content just sitting in my lap watching me eat.  It did the same thing today when I went down for breakfast and for lunch, I don't know why it singled me out but it was fun to play with such a cute kitten.  The family will not be keeping the cat I am told but are trying to find it a new home, so we will see how that plays out.   
 This morning I went back up to the Cloud Forest School and was able to take another picture of all the kittens that are calling their greenhouse home.  These are the same kittens I saw 2 weeks ago, but there seems to be a new addition to the family that I hadn't seen before.
 Here is a picture of the new group of students from today working.  We had a group about double the size of yesterday's group and they all seemed very excited and eager to help today.  Over the last 2 days we planted over 850 trees on this hillside to help with erosion and water runoff.  Below you can see three different views of all the trees that we planted the last 2 days.  It was really great to get some students involved because as they were leaving many of them were making comments about how good it feels to plant a tree and I told them when they get home I'm sure there is a place they can plant trees.

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