Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Morning at the Waterfall

This morning we hiked in to see this waterfall that is located just across the road from our house.  We had a fun hike this morning as the skies were clear and it wasn't until we began to leave the clouds started to roll on in.
This is a bunch of tree roots that started about 50 feet above me and reach down to the stream bank.  I was amazed at how the trees roots can be so long and it looked like many of the trees were about ready to fall over the edge but the roots were firmly planted.
Here is another shot of the waterfall.
This was one of the two bridges that we had to cross to get to the waterfall which you can see in the background.
Here was a beautiful leaf that I found that was decaying away and all that was left was the veins of the leaf which I though was very cool.  Below you can see another flower that I found, I loved how lively it looked next to all the dead leaves and such.
Tomorrow morning I will be going with Willow to another local school in the area to work on their garden.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!! The leaf was really cool, does it take long for decay in the rain forest? Have fun with Willow today!! Love ya , Mom
