Friday, July 6, 2012

Escuela Canitas

Today I had to opportunity to go with Willow to this school about 10 minute ride outside of Santa Elena.  This garden was one that was planted about 5 years ago and today was the last day that Willow and Lorenzo were going to take care of it due to lack of funding.  Luckily Don Juan Coffee Tours agreed to take over the maintenance of the garden so today we helped "train" the people.
This is what the garden looked like when we got there.  Many of the bushes had grown out of control and there was hardly any room to walk down the paths.
Here is a picture towards the middle of the project with Willow talking to Lorenzo in the background.
This is a bush that Willow and I spent about 20 minutes pruning and then Lorenzo decided that it just needed to be cut down since it was so out of control so he used his machete to chop it down
Across from the hill looking up the hill we were able to watch an ox drawn cart go back and forth across the field as people harvested the grass.  Evidently they do not let the livestock graze the grass but rather the grass is brought to the livestock to eat. 
This was another crazy insect that I found today so I will have to ask Ashley what it is but it was very reflective and caught my eye.

Tomorrow I will be meeting with someone who is providing me with some information for my new project and then I will be going to the main office of Monteverde Conservation League and so some more pruning of the gardens.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley will love the bug picture!! Sorry about all the pruning and then have him chop it down. He could of at least left it until you left. Hope you have a very productive day as I know you are counting down until you return to MO. All you're muissing is record temps and dry, dead everything. Love ya tons! Mom
