Sunday, July 29, 2012

Let the Countdown Begin...10 days until I'm HOME!

Well many people have started sending me e-mails to make sure that I am alright since I have not had a blog post for a few days.  I am fine but I decided to post to catch everyone up on what I have been up to the last few days.  The weather here in Monteverde has finally turned "normal" for Monteverde with rain, mist, clouds, and fog which is very beautiful and peaceful.  The last few days I have been very busy working on my project for Monteverde Conservation League as well as working on and off with Willow and ProNativas.  I have also been spending as much time as I can with my Costa Rican Family.  Yesterday I spent the better part of the day with them shopping.  They only go to the grocery store about 2 times a month and yesterday was one of those days.  It was a good day for shopping because the ENTIRE STORE was 20% off, this never happens in the states but the entire store was 20% off so we stocked up on a lot of things, but I guess this is common  here.  We then went to the Farmers' Market and stocked up on the things they had left.  I only have 2 more full days in Monteverde as I leave early Wednesday morning so I have also begun to pack and get things ready here for my departure.  I have also begun planning my one last week in Costa Rica which I am super excited about and includes: the hot springs, white water rafting (again!), and the beach later this week.  So stay tuned this week and I will try to have more photos and information up.

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