Monday, July 16, 2012

Working in the Garden

This was my view yesterday on my walk into town.  I was so amazed at how far we were able to see and how clear it was.
Today in the garden I found these two beautiful caterpillars that were moving around the garden and had to take a picture.  The one below will be a Monarch butterfly sometime in the future.

 Here you can see two pictures of the garden that we worked in today.  Most of the activities today focused on pruning back the bushes because some of them had gotten a little out of control!

Tomorrow I am taking the day off and going with Sury the oldest daughter at the house and she is taking me to a waterfall which is about 45 away, so I am really looking forward to that and will try to have pictures up by tomorrow night!

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see GREEN! Everything here is dying. I'm having a hard time keeping my hanging baskets green this year. It sounds as though you will have a wonderful day today & I pray that is so. Enjoyed our conversation last night & love your carefree facial features this summer has been a Blessing for you! Love ya so very much!!!!!!!!!Mom
