Sunday, May 27, 2012

That's what I love about Sunday...

Today we had our first "free day" since arriving in Costa Rica.  It was a much needed break to just relax and get some stuff done.  This afternoon and evening we have had a nice rain storm roll through.  It has rained here everyday now for about a week so I think the rainy season has officially started.  I have uploaded my week 2 pictures to facebook if you would like to see more than just what is on the blog.

Our bags are packed to leave EARTH campus tomorrow morning.  We are half way done with our classes and will not be returning as a group here to EARTH campus.  I will be returning back here in about 3 weeks for the next phase of my summer.  Tomorrow morning we will be leaving for our home stay program where I will be living and working with a pineapple farmer and his family.  I am really excited about this experience to see how families live and work here in Costa Rica and to work on my Spanish!  (I will also not have Internet or be able to do a blog until Thursday night.)  I hope that you all have a great Memorial Day and thanks so much to all of our veterans out there!

"The average American is nothing if not patriotic."
Herbert Croly


  1. Hey Baby. Bob and I just got back from the parade downtown it was great and hard when I think of Frank in Afganistan. The new apartment building on college butrned to the ground yesterday. Amazing they say over $3 million in damage and lots of students without housing. Josh's last day at Bass Pro is the 31st moving to Iowa with hie girlfriend. Beth who took the Human resources job was released this past week. Lots of happenings there! The heat is horrible and no rain since 7th May. The farmers here are hurting bad!! I love ya and will write more this week. I love ya dearly!! Mom

  2. It is good to hear that you are doing well there.....are there ant good looking pool boys around there?
    anyway keep cool and I will take care of your mother............she is doingreal well as the other night she yelled at me about the oven and that was real good to release some trapped frustration and I said "I am real good for you as you can yell at a man and get everthing out and I really do not care" ha we both laughed
    all's fine in town except the burning of the apartments but today we went to the parade
    best wishes always

    1. Thanks Bob, glad to hear you are keeping my mother in line :-)
