Sunday, May 20, 2012

And the rain has begun...

 My group for the forest inventory the last two days.  We are standing underneath what we call a mother tree and it is huge!  There are also lots of other animals that call it home.  Notice the long sleeves and long pants, even though it was 98 F and 85% humidity there are a lot of irritants and bugs that we are finding out don't agree with our bodies!  The best is to come back and take off our rubber boots and have to dump sweat out of them, and wring out our socks.

 Here is an example of some of the creatures we have found in the woods that I got a good picture of.  Although it may not look like it this spider is as big as my hand and we almost walked into him.  I have learned that I need to look both at the ground and head level walking through the forest here, because who knows what could be around.  Today in the forest I also saw my first poison dart frog which was only about the size of a quarter but beautifully colored, but sadly I couldn't get to my camera fast enough.

This afternoon we tried to go into town to have a more cultural experience and look at the local town, but as soon as we arrived so did the rain!  I have never seen it rain so much for such a long period of time, it was insane! 

Tomorrow we will be heading off to La Selva Forest Station for a few days but I still should have internet!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What an experience. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend. Sorry about the rain, we could sure use some here. There was a chance last night but it never came. I spent yesterday afternoon east of Ashland on the Salad Garden farm. The girls are very informative and actually are leasing it from Bob who has been growing on the land for 20 years now. I have seen him at the market numerous times. Bob and I took a drive and I showed him the Burr Oak in McBaine and we went to Macr. Grill for our monthly supper. Everyone was asking about you at church and several will start following your Blog. I love you much and am so happy you're having such a wonderful time. Keep it up and enjoy everything possible. Mom
