Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 1 of Classes

 Our dinner last night which was quite good.  The salad fixings are all grown around the dining hall in boxes which you can see from an eariler blog and yesterday morning we actually got to see them harvesting the vegetables.  There is rice (of course) as well as chicken, egg and cauliflower, and then a rice pudding for dessert. 
 Ashley and I on our first day of school in Costa Rica!
 One of the trees on campus that has been copiced which they harvest the firewood for fodder and fuel. 
My breakfast this morning consisting of black beans and rice, eggs, fresh tomatoes, and fresh bananas!

Yesterday we started our two different classes that are sustainable agriculture and climate change.  Today we will begin our lessons in the field starting this morning at the EARTH banana plantation learing about the entire process from harvesting bananas to their packaging and shipping back to the US.  The campus here is wonderful we took a tour last night and saw the post office, bank, swimming pool, as well as many other activity sites.  Well to the banana fields I go!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful experience and thanks so much for sharing. Your Mom and I are friends from our nursing school days.
