Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Critters in and around La Selva

 A very tiny tree frog that is only about an inch long that blends in with the vines.  He is a critter that we found on the night walk.

 This is a moth that flew onto one of the guys on the night walk.  Notice how BIG it is in perspective with his pants pocket!

 2 red eyed tree frogs we found in the swamp on our night walk.  I was so excited to just see one and then we saw probably 10-15 more but I was very happy with how the picture turned out with the lighting since I couldn't use the flash, so I just was using my new headlamp (thanks mom!).

 Can you see me?  One of the most deadly snakes in Costa Rica and it was crawling across the path in front of us on the night walk.  It is called a Fer de Lance in case you were wondering.

 This is a poison dart frog which is less than an inch long but has a fair amount of poison on its back.  We have seen about 50 of these little guys on the trails to and from our rustic cabin, you just have to look closely but the orange usually stands out.  Some of the locals also call them blue jean frogs.

 This is one of the three monkey species that we saw within about 100 yards of each other.  Needless to say they were not getting along very well.  This particular monkey was just sitting up in the tree and as we got closer he starting throwing the nuts at us.

 This is me standing on the longest cable bridge in Latin America and it took awhile to go across and it spanned over two major water ways.  It was very cool because we were up in the canopy for the most part so we got a birds eye view of the forest.

This is a toucans that I saw when I was sitting in the cafeteria yesterday evening.  I couldn't believe it, there were also parrots with him but I didn't get a chance to get a picture of them.  It does actually look like the Fruit Loops guy!

The last few days have been a lot of fun and I have spent a lot of time in the primary forest which has just been phenomenal.  Today we walked 5 km just to get to the plot that we sampled but we saw some awesome critters and scenery along the way which made it worth it.  Tomorrow we will be leaving La Selva and will be going to tour a production forest and then will head back to EARTH for the night before we leave for our next trip.  Adios from La Selva!


  1. The pictures are AMAZING! Thanks for sharing. Glad the headlamp is working well for you. I would imagine that it is difficult to see the trees while watching for the poisoneous creatures. Are you just terrified or is it the thrill? I'm so glad you are having a wonderful time. Keep smiling,experiencing and enjoying an ecosystem many of us only imagine. All my love!! Mom

  2. Thanks for all the knowledge you are imparting on us. We are all learning so much with your pictures & blog-keep 'em coming. Wish I could be there with you. Ginny leaves for Honduras on Friday until the 2nd, keep her in your thoughts & prayers. Love ya lots and hope to have more time tomorrow to write. Mom
