Friday, May 25, 2012

Adventures in Tortuguero

 This was the sunrise on the beach at 5:30, the actual sunrise was scheduled for 4:30 but I didn't want to get up quite that early.  The view was still pretty spectacular at 5:30.  Wish I could be here every morning!

 This morning we went on a boat tour and saw this bird who seemed to be very photogenic.

 Later this morning we went back out in the boats to find some Caymans and we did!!! This is one of the eight that we saw in the national park.

 This is a black tropical river turtle that was sunning itself on a log in the river.

 This is a view of the "island" we are staying on where the river runs into the ocean.  On the right you can see the lagoon emptying into the ocean on the right.  It is amazing to have two such diverse ecosystems so close together. 

So sadly tomorrow morning we will be leaving this place and go back to EARTH University for out last two days there before our next adventure begins. 


  1. Kaitlyn, the things you have posted make me almost dizzy! You really seem to be seeing and doing so much - what a fantastic experience and there is so much yet to see! I am enjoying reading about what you are learning, you are doing a great job of explaining everything on your blog... kind of like virtual lessons for us! Guess Mother Nature wanted us to really get the feel for your trip as she has given us 90 degree heat and lots of humidity. So, it is easy for us to imagine ;) I can't wait to see what's next! You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Thanks for all the beauty you are sharing with us!! Amazing sites and yoy so willingly share with us all. I love ya tons and miss ya lots!! I still complain from the heat and feel bad knowing I have a.c. to cool off by! Been a bust weekend and trying to just hang today. Writing from Bob's office and he says to say hi. Love ya tons!! Mom
