Monday, May 14, 2012

Buenos Dias!

 Picture of our dorms/ housing for the next couple of weeks.  We have two people per room (Ashley is my roommate) and there is two large desks in the middle.  There is no AC or hot water but rather a nice ceiling fan which keeps the air circulating.

 Breakfast this morning: rice and beans, some sort of sausage, cheese, wheat bread, and cantaloupe. 

 The dining "hall", actually just a large open air area with tables and chairs.  Notice the plants growing in the bags as well as in the landscaping.  This campus is completely sustainable an in the boxes they were growing onions, lettuce, and some other greens. 

 This is a view from the dining area to the library which is the largest building on campus.  You can also see the beautiful landscaping which is seen throughout the campus. 

A view from our room towards the dining hall with a very nice tree out back. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you arrived safely and accident was not bad. I love your view and pictures you have posted! Please keep them coming..I love you much and will write tomorrow.. Good night love!
