Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wrap Up with Professors

 On Friday we went back to a FUNDECOR site that I had visited as part of my class a couple of weeks ago.  We had a great time tromping through the mud going into the forest seeing the timber harvesting job.  The professors seemed very impressed with this non for profit organization and the logging operations.
 Another poison dart frog the blue jean one!!!
 And for the first time a black and green poison dart frog, the first one I have seen!
 On Friday night we drove into San Jose to spend our last two nights and this is the view from my hotel room.
 On Friday night we went to a place called Tintos and Blancos which was a nice restaurant that had wines from all over the world and I was able to get some smoked salmon which was oh so yummy!
On Saturday we traveled up to Poas National Park which is a volcano.  This was one of the thousands of HUGE leaves we saw so I had to get my picture with it. 
This is me standing in front of the crater at Poas volcano. 
This is a picture I took from the viewpoint looking down into the crater.  We arrived at about 9:30 in the morning and about 2 hours later the fog and clouds were so thick you couldn't see down into it so I'm glad we got there when we did. 
This is a picture of our group standing in front of the crater.  We had a great group of individuals and it was sad to say goodbye to all of them this morning. 
This is another picture from a different view point in front of the crater. 
This is a sign I saw in the bathroom and I had to take a picture because it made me laugh.  I was a little bit confused about what we need to be careful about, I don't think they attack or anything :-)
On the road to Poas is hundreds of acres of fresh strawberries and we stopped to get a bucket full.  We also stopped for lunch along the route and I got a strawberry shake with my meal.  One thing is for sure here in Costa Rica I am getting my daily fruit intake which I absolutely love!
On the way back to San Jose we went over a bridge that had 2 huge waterfalls going into the main river so we stopped to take pictures. 
Last night we all went to the mall to get some food and the mall was full of American chains so I decided to get a Happy Meal or as they call it Cajita Feliz.  The good thing here is that the soda has real sugar cane and the quality of the food seemed a lot better.  Not only did I get a mini fry I also got FRESH PINEAPPLE, I wish we could have that in the states but I guess it would be too expensive. 
This morning we had to get up bright and early at 3:30 to head to the airport.  The professors flight left at 6:30 and Ashley left at 12:30 today.  Cory is on his own new journey and I walked down to arrivals and only had to wait about 20 minutes before my ride showed up.  I was impressed they picked me up at 5 instead of 6:30 am so I didn't have to wait long.  So this begins the next phase of my journey one week at CRLA beginning my Spanish lessons.  I have arrived at my host family home and the lady is very nice and hosts up to 8 students in her home but for right now I am the only one.  I am spending the day resting and getting ready for a busy and intense week of Spanish. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kaitlyn!! The pictures are wonderful and makes me want to visit. We'll have to go back some day or I may just have to go on my own. So glad you got to see lava only 18 years in the making!! It was so wonderful to see you yesterday on Skype and to have you tell me face to face that you are so happy there.Best wishes with your studies and relax everything here is under control. Thanks for being so willing to share all of your adventures with each of us. LOL Mom
