Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I Should have been a Cowboy...

Today I had the opportunity to visit a cattle ranch who is owned and managed by an EARTH graduate.   We were able to have a very hands on experience and worked with the cattle ranchers to complete the tasks for the day. 

 When we arrived we saw this beautiful horse and colt.  Throughout the ranch we were able to see lots of new babies that have recently arrived.

 The main task of the day was to round up the cattle from the fields and bring them back to the main corral.  This picture is me from the top of my horse as we are taking the cattle back to one of their pens.

 This is a picture of me and one of the other EARTH students that is currently living with the rancher and his family.  Each student at EARTH University has to complete an internship or home stay program during their third year and he was placed at this ranch.  In the background you can see some natural sulfur hot springs that is found on the property.

 Once the cattle were into the corral the first step was to spray them down with a liquid that deters insects which helps keep the cows healthier.  They then went through these gates and we gave them vaccinations.  Needless to say many of them were not happy about that especially the moms that we separated from the calves. 

This is me on top of the horse that I had for the day.  Overall we had a very successful day of vaccinating the cattle and I learned there is a lot more to moving cattle than meets the eye, but by the end of the day I was definitely improving.  I don't think I will be able to walk tomorrow from sitting in the saddle all day today but the fun today was worth it. 


  1. Bob says to tell you that you have to vaccinate the cattle in the neck in the U.S. for BQA vaccine techniques- you're vaccinating them where the steaks are. Guess we should have gotton lessions before you left. My goodness you keep having all sorts of surprises for me. By the time you return home there will be little that you are unable to do. So what students attend the EARTH University? Do they have a graduate forestry program there? Dad got my room painted today and it is green, will be interested to see how it looks with the trim and doors back up. Now Bob thinks he'll just stay in the open instead of his room. Keep having fun Baby and know how much I love and miss you!! Keep having a blast for your old Mom-OH to be young again!!
    I dropped the garage door opener off tonight. Darby seems very sweet. Mom was still there. Tell Ashley I'll come help her vacate when she returns or better yet we'll get Dad over there.

  2. Well tell Bob sorry I was just following directions for the shots. We were not giving them in the meat but rather right underneath the skin. There are only 400 students at EARTH university 100 in each level and they are selected from around the world to come and study here. Over 50% are given full ride scholarship because many come from places where they can't afford to attend college. Many of the students are from Latin American but also a lot from Africa. They complete 2 years of course work at the main campus with a large emphasis on hands on expierence. Their third year they travel to EARTH La Flor (which is where I am at now) and they live with local families learning about what they are interested in. Also during their third-fourth year they are required to have their own project that they implement in a different country (usually the country they came from). After graduation EARTH's goal is to have many of their students go back to their home countries and make a difference there. They all graduate with the same degree at EARTH because that is all they offer. Have a great day at work I am off to visit two more farms today!

    1. Bob just laughed, I think he wants to make a vet out of you as well. I had a great day at work. Dad finished the room and I put down the grout sealer and will get Bob in by the weekend. Hope you had a great time visiting the farms today. What an experience and you are seeing so much!! The EARTH university sounds extremely nice. How is it funded? Grants? Love ya lots and keep having a great time. Mom

  3. Kaitlyn, you will have so many new experiences by the time you get home you might have a tough time deciding what you want to focus on when you graduate! Learning and doing a variety of things is what life is all about - keep it pouring in and never stop. Send some of your rain our way, we're going on a month without any! Looks like we might get a drop on Monday so we're keeping our fingers crossed. Not much yard mowing going on right now. Pretty crazy for the beginning of June! Look forward to more of your adventures!
