Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have not forgotten about my blog.  We have been super busy this week with the professors here but I promise to have some more information up soon.  Today we started running into some interesting problems outside of EARTH University.  Evidently the water company in Costa Rica is trying to install meters at every one's houses to monitor and charge them on how much water they use.  I guess currently in Costa Rica most just pay a set price while many don't pay anything at all.  Since this announcement many citizens are very upset and started yesterday setting up road blocks on the major roads and they have signs up and are waiving flags trying to gain attention on this issue.  This is a very peaceful protest and no one is in any sort of danger (don't worry mom and dad!), but rather is making travel around the country a bit more difficult.  More blog posts and pictures to come soon, I promise!

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