Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Centro de Education Creativa (Cloud Forest School)

Today I went with Willow up to the Cloud Forest School.  The purpose of today's visit was to look at the native gardens they have established as well as to look at a site for a new garden.  The new garden they want to build is going to be the Founders Garden which will honor the founders of the school as well as people who make donations to the school. 
This is one of the courtyards at the school which looks at some beautiful paintings done on the side of the building.
This is the future site of the new garden. Today we met with a landscape designer who is drawing up plans for the project.  At the end of the month we have a big volunteer group that is coming in to help us plant this garden.
This is one of the greenhouses at the school.  What I liked about it was all of the containers for planting were old milk and juice boxes so it was a great way to reuse.  Also the greenhouse was very natural looking with plants growing off the wooden support beams.  I wish more schools had this type of hands on learning.
And this is why it's called the cloud forest.  Today while we were walking around through some of the forest the school owns the clouds came rolling in very fast and the rain started. 
Some kittens have made the greenhouse their new home.  The teachers don't really like them around but the students love them, so I think they are going to stay for awhile.  There are 3 kittens in the box with one laying directly on top of the other one.

This is the Monteverde Center where this is a local arts cooperative, a whole foods store, and the gallery where my family sells their art.  Across the street is a very nice bakery.
This is Sury, the oldest daughter working at her families art gallery.  She sits here from 9-5 every day trying to sell their arts and crafts as well as make jewelry.  I went in and sat with her for a little while yesterday to get out of the rain.

I also walked to the Monteverde Cheese Factory and had some fresh ice cream.  It wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be.

Today I will be going back to the Monteverde Center working on a native plant garden that is located behind all of the stores.  It seems like in the afternoon anyone that works outside stops working for the day and has the afternoon off since it rains all afternoon (usually).  This gives me plenty of time to get caught up on some things and time to explore around the area.  I am wishing that some of the rain we are getting could be bottled up and moved up and west to the horrible fires affecting Colorado (among other places).  Please keep both the firefighters as well as the people whose homes and livelihoods are being affected in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. It was so good seeing you and hearing your voice last night! You are adjusting so well. The home and surrrounding area look so beautiful!! Wish I could be there with you. It's wonderful that you are striking out on your own seeing and doing new things. Your friends are in my prayers and I pray the fires subside soon. I'm just glad that you are not there!! Have a wonderful day. Mom
