Friday, August 3, 2012

Unexpected Road Trip

Yesterday morning I had no idea what was to await me.  I was told that I was going to be picked up at 5:30 in front of my hostel.  I stood outside from 5:20-6:30 before finally calling the tour company.  They informed me that they had overbooked the trip and that they would not be picking me up but would gladly refund my money.  This would have not been a big deal if I had not been planning on taking the tour into Puerto Viejo for my 4 night stay there.  Needless to say that I was not happy but there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it and the company didn't seem to mind.  In order to get to Puerto Viejo for the evening I ended up having to take 3 different buses and 2 taxis totaling over 12 hours of travel time from start to finish.  At first I was really upset about the whole situation but by the end of the day I knew there was nothing that I could do about it and so I tried to enjoy the situation.  Below you can see some pictures of the various bus trips.

 This was a quick meal that I grabbed in San Ramon when I had a 15 minute break from bus to bus so I got some arroz con pollo, a very common dish in Costa Rica.  It was nice because I was able to take it with me on the bus and ate it for both lunch and dinner since I didn't really have any other option.
 This was a view of the bus on the ride from San Jose to Puerto Viejo (4.5 hr bus ride).  I was in the back of the bus because I bought my ticket so late but it was nice because no one was sitting next to me so I was able to stretch out and enjoy it a little bit more.  
This was the view that made the whole road trip worth it.  The view of the Caribbean!  We went through Limon which is a very large port town here in Costa Rica so there you can see 2 different large boats going out to sea more than likely on their way to the US full of fresh fruit and vegetables.  As we were coming into Limon just about every huge fruit company had a very large center with trucks coming and going with the big shipping crates full of bananas and pineapple mostly.  I arrived into Puerto Viejo at about 6:45 and of course it was pitch black by then so I had no idea the beautiful views awaiting me here!  I talked to the rafting company today and they assured me that I was going to be picked up on Monday morning at 6:20 to go rafting and then they will take me back to San Jose where I will be flying out on Wednesday so I will just keep my fingers crossed that it all works out this time!

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