Saturday, August 4, 2012

Puerto Viejo Day 1

Below you are going to see pictures of my first day (yesterday) here in Puerto Viejo.
 This is a picture of me standing on black sand beach which is just a short 2 minute walk across the road from the house that I am staying at.  It was interesting because although the sand on the right was black the sand closest to the water was more tan and white colored.
 This is a picture of Playa Cocles which is just a short bike ride down the road from Puerto Viejo.  This beach is the one everyone refers to as the surfers beach because this is where everyone goes to surf and to learn how to surf.  In this photo you can also see the very small little island.
 Here you can see me on the left playing/ swimming around in the water.  Here they have very bad riptides so we couldn't go out very far.  Also when all of the locals started getting out of the water and all of the surfers started to show up I decided that I too should get out of the water which was just about the time the waves started picking up.
 This is where we ate lunch yesterday and I loved that it was pretty much right on the beach and a very chilled atmosphere.  Their specialty is fresh tacos and cold beer. 
 I just thought this sign was funny, not one you would see everyday.
 Here is the amazing fish taco that I ordered.  The tortilla was hand made with freshly caught fish as well as fresh cabbage, onions, avocado and a homemade sauce for the top.  It was so delicious!
 This is the harbor in Puerto Viejo home to just a few small boats.  The town sits right on the water and many of the bars and restaurants sit right down near the water so you have a beautiful view of everything. 
 I decided I needed a good picture to help me remember this beautiful place and the amazing almost 3 months that I have been here.
 There was a lady that had a small hut set up on the beach (you can see the ocean to the left) who does hair wraps as well as braids, so of course I had to get my hair done and you can see my new look below.  Now I actually look more like a local, or a wanna be tourist, I'm not for sure which.

This was the BEAUTIFUL sunset last night looking back over the black sand beach and the ocean. 
Last night I went back into town for dinner and had an amazing brick oven pizza.  I had the Hawaiian pizza which was made with fresh pineapple and ham (which I believe was just hot dogs cut up long ways).  The pizza was good but the fresh pineapple smoothies made it so much better!

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