Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Last Blog from Costa Rica :-(

This will be my last blog from Costa Rica (I think).  It is amazing how fast the time went by.  Some days it seems like I got here yesterday while others feel like I have been here for  years.  Below you will find some pictures of my last day in Puerto Viejo as well as some pictures from my white water trip yesterday!
This is a picture of Andrew and I at the tasty waves restaurant after we had finished eating our tacos!  My last day in Puerto Viejo I spent a lot of time at the beach as well as just riding up and down the coast looking at the sights and taking an easy.

Here above and below you can see where we ate dinner and had a few cocktails looking out on the harbor and the beautiful sunset we had!

Above you can see a picture of my room at Hidden Jungle Beach House.  Notice the nice mosquito net over the bed because the mosquitoes here are very mean and even with the net at night my legs got eaten alive.  Below you can see the house itself.  The first level was just a very large kitchen and dining area.  The second floor had a small living room with a television as well as 4 small rooms for guests.  The third floor is Lisa (the owners room) where she has a view of the beach but we were not allowed up there.

On Monday morning they finally picked me up at my hostel and we went white water rafting.  This was the same river that I rafted earlier this summer but since they have had so much rain the river was completely different than before with many new rapids and beautiful waterfalls.  I am sitting in the back right looking at the photo. 

This was one of the about 10 different waterfalls that we saw.  This river is ranked as one of the top 5 scenic rivers to raft in the WORLD.  I knew it was beautiful but I didn't know that it was in the top 5 in the world.

This was the wonderful lunch that we had on the river.
This is my favorite part of the entire trip.  This is towards the end of the trip and is a beautiful canyon with a nice bridge going across it.  Here we all were able to hop out of the boat and just float through this beautiful canyon.  Sadly though the power company in Costa Rica is trying to put a dam in right here due to the natural canyon which would just ruin this beautiful place and would prohibit the white water rafting.  

I arrived into San Jose at 7:30 last night and was so exhausted.  Today I am getting everything packed up as well as going into downtown San Jose to do some last minute shopping and to take my last look around the city.  Tomorrow morning I am going to be picked up at 8:30 for my ride to the airport.  I depart San Jose at 12:45 and should arrive in St. Louis about 9:40 if everything goes as planned, so please keep your fingers crossed for me.  Will see you all soon!

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